Parents of adolescents say acne is top skin concern for their child: CeraVe survey

Parents of adolescents say acne is top skin concern for their child CeraVe survey

According to the survey, parents are highly engaged in conversations about skin care with their children, particularly regarding acne management. The survey’s results reveal that “three-quarters (74%) of parents say their kids are talking to them about acne,” the release reported, and this dialogue is crucial as it shapes purchasing decisions and influences product preferences within households.

The survey further indicated that parents proactively educate their children about skin care. “Parents are looking to healthcare professionals for their children’s skin care advice,” the release said, and, “more than half (54%) say they go to a dermatologist as a first resource, followed closely by a pediatrician (42%).”

“As a pediatric dermatologist, acne is one of the most common topics I address with my patients and their parents as kids start to experience their first breakouts,” said board-certified pediatric dermatologist Dr. Latanya Benjamin in the press statement. “Each patient’s acne experience is different and caring for acne-prone skin can start at an early age, so I encourage everyone to make sure the ingredients are age-appropriate.” This perspective underscored the need for effective and accessible acne treatment products tailored for young users.

This proactive approach creates an informed consumer base that values high-quality, effective skin care products. For industry stakeholders, this translates into a need for transparent communication about product benefits and usage instructions, and this insight highlights the potential for companies to invest in educational initiatives that inform and engage their target audience. This is especially important, as more than half (54%) of teens reported experiencing acne, but only 18% reported utilizing products with benzoyl peroxide, and 17% reported utilizing products formulated with salicylic acid – despite these ingredients being two of the most common for treating and preventing breakouts. 

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